Cost-Effective Root Canal Treatment

The general reaction of patients undergoing root canal treatment in Impressionz Dental Care is a surprise! They just can’t believe it’s that simple and painless. Infected nerves of the teeth give you sleepless nights which are accurately treated for a lifetime with root canal treatments. With root canal revolution extraction of teeth is almost a nil procedure now... when a tooth is traumatized, broken or badly decayed, the nerve of the teeth is damaged. This leads to infection of teeth. Patients generally present themselves with lots of pain which almost gives them sleepless nights!

It's mostly a single visit treatment where the nerves of the teeths are cleaned to remove the infection completely from the root and seal the teeth ends so that there is no recurrence of the infection for lifetime. At our dental clinic in Mumbai, root canal treatment is totally machine operated which makes the treatment even more accurate, absolute and totally painless!!

Root canal is often an essential procedure when a tooth is damaged or infected. At Impressionz Dental Care, we offer gentle and pain-free treatment at a suitable rct cost in Mumbai to restore your tooth and provide the necessary comfort during the process.

At Impressionz Dental Care, having one of the best teams of dentists in Borivali West, Mumbai, we prioritize your adaptability to the clinic environment and dental health. We understand that the idea of root canal treatment might evoke some apprehension, but now there is nothing to fear about! Our experienced team is here to guide you through the process and ensure an anxiety-free and successful procedure.

Debunking Myths Surrounding Root Canal Therapy

Myths and misconceptions have shadowed root canal therapy, creating unwarranted anxiety for patients. Separating fact from fiction is essential in making informed decisions about your dental health.

One prevailing myth suggests that root canals are unavoidably painful. Contrary to this belief, using local anesthesia and modern techniques ensures that patients experience minimal discomfort during the procedure. The success rates of root canal treatments have greatly increased due to advancements in dental technology.

Another misconception is the idea that root canals cause illness in the body. It is commonly believed that removing the tooth is a better solution. However, saving your natural teeth through root canal therapy is often the best course of action, as it maintains your oral health and avoids the potential challenges of tooth loss.

Symptoms That Testify You Need Root Canal Therapy

Identifying the signs that indicate the need for root canal therapy is crucial for maintaining optimal oral health and preventing potential dental emergencies. These common symptoms serve as red flags, signaling the urgency of seeking timely treatment:

  • Severe Tooth Pain: A persistent and intense pain experienced when biting or applying pressure to the affected tooth is a telltale sign that root canal therapy may be necessary. The pain may radiate to surrounding areas and can be quite exhausting.
  • Heightened Sensitivity: Lingering sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, even after removing the stimulus, is another indicator of potential root canal issues. The discomfort may be felt as a sharp, shooting pain in response to temperature changes.
  • Gum Swelling and Tenderness: Inflammation and tenderness in the gums near the affected tooth are signs of possible infection. The gums may appear red, swollen, and sore to the touch.
  • Tooth Discoloration: Darkening or discoloration of the affected tooth may occur due to internal damage to the tooth’s pulp. The tooth may appear greyish or blackened, indicating a need for evaluation and possible root canal treatment.
  • Persistent Bad Breath: Unpleasant breath or a foul taste in the mouth can result from an infection in the tooth’s pulp. This bacterial buildup can lead to an Oduor that doesn’t improve with regular oral hygiene practices.

What Does the Procedure Entails:

The root canal procedure is a meticulously performed dental treatment that involves several important steps to save and restore a disfigured or infected tooth. Let's look into each step in detail:

  • 1.


    Your comfort is of utmost importance during the root canal treatment. To ensure a pain-free experience, the dentist administers local anesthesia to numb the area surrounding the affected tooth. This ensures that you remain comfortable throughout the entire process.
  • 2.

    Accessing the Pulp:

    Once the anesthesia has taken effect, the dentist creates a small access point on the surface of the affected tooth. This access point allows them to reach the inner pulp chamber, which houses the inflamed or infected pulp tissue.
  • 3.

    Cleaning and Shaping:

    With the pulp chamber accessible, the dentist delicately removes the infected pulp from the tooth. This step is performed with precision using specialized dental instruments to guarantee a thorough chamber cleaning. The dentist also skillfully shapes the inner chamber to prepare it for the next crucial stage.
  • 4.

    Sealing the chamber:

    After carefully cleaning and shaping, the dentist seals the now-empty pulp chamber. This step is vital to prevent any further infection or bacterial infiltration. A biocompatible material is carefully placed into the chamber to fill the previously occupied space by the pulp. Then, a rubber-like substance called gutta-percha is used to effectively seal the chamber, creating a barrier against future infections.
  • 5.


    With the pulp chamber sealed, the tooth requires protection and restoration to regain its functionality. The dentist may recommend placing a dental crown or filling on top of the treated tooth. This restoration enhances the tooth’s strength and ensures it blends smoothly with your natural teeth.

    By preserving the natural tooth, root canal treatment restores oral health, prevents the need for extraction, and maintains the alignment and function of surrounding teeth. With the presence of the best doctors for root canal treatment in Borivali West and Andheri West, Mumbai we prioritize your convenience throughout the entire painless root canal procedure.

    With our expertise, we offer single-sitting root canal treatments, making the process quicker and more efficient. We utilize advanced rotary/machine root canal techniques, ensuring precision and effectiveness. We provide post and core treatments for badly broken-down teeth to restore their strength and functionality. We assure you that our root canal doctors in Mumbai employ the latest West ologies and techniques to deliver exceptional dental care and ensure your dental experience is stress-free and successful.

    From routine checkups to other complex dental treatments like dental implants, tooth extraction, dental bone grafts, periodontal surgery, root canal treatment, smile makeover in Mumbai, etc., all of these are also provided by our dentist in Andheri West, Mumbai we are here if you are looking for a rct specialist near me, contact us at +91-9773261716 / 022-26398989 for a routine checkup to decide whether this treatment is the best suitable option for you.

    Rootcanal treatment is the treatment of the nerves of the tooth

    Root Canal Treatment in Borivali West

    It's mostly a single-visit treatment where the nerves of the teeth are cleaned in order to remove the infection completely from the root and seal the teeth ends so that there is no recurrence of the infection for lifetime. At Impressionz Dental Care, our root canal treatments are performed using advanced machinery, guaranteeing unparalleled accuracy and absolute painlessness. Experience top-quality care at a reasonable rct cost in Mumbai, where precise treatment is our priority.

    Benefits of root canal treatment:

    Dental infections cause toothaches. Once you undergo the root canal treatment, the infection-causing bacteria are removed permanently. The tooth will be cleaned and disinfected, which will eliminate the source of the toothache or tooth decay. When the infected tooth is treated, there is no room for the bacteria to spread to adjacent teeth.

    The root canal treatment is done to save your teeth. Unlike other treatments that involve dental extractions, this treatment is safe and is performed to save your teeth. At the end of the procedure, your teeth will be restored to health.

    When compared to tooth extraction, recovery from root canal treatment is faster.

    Root canal treatment in Andheri, Mumbai is more cost-effective than other treatments to replace missing teeth after extraction.

    Understanding Root Canal Treatment (RCT) Cost in Mumbai

    The Root Canal Treatment (RCT) cost in Mumbai can vary based on factors like clinic reputation, dentist expertise, technology used and the price range may vary between Rs 5,000 to Rs 10,000. Impressionz Dental Care, offers comprehensive RCT services at competitive rates. However, determining the exact cost necessitates a detailed evaluation of individual factors, making it difficult to provide an estimate without a thorough assessment.

Post and Core

Even if the teeth are badly broken down after root canal treatment it can be restored completely with a post and core (screw) treatment which builds up the strength of the teeth.

Rootcanal is generally followed by a cap or crown to protect the teeth.

Our key points

  • Entire Painless procedure
  • Single sitting root canal
  • Rotary/machine root canal
  • Post and core treatment for badly broken-down teeth

To get the best root canal treatment at an affordable rct cost in Mumbai, book an appointment with us at our Impressionz Dental Care clinic in Borivali West & Andheri West.

Root Canal X Ray

Frequently Asked Questions

Root Canal is a dental procedure that aims at saving a severely infected tooth and dental pulp that has decayed. If the root canal treatment is done at the right time, it offers significant benefits, such as it prevents spread of infection, preserve the natural tooth, improves oral health, restores tooth functionality. If you are looking for root canal treatment in Borivali west, a root canal treatment ensures access to skilled professionals who can perform the procedure with precision and care, maximizing the benefits mentioned above and promoting long-term oral health.

Yes, root canal doctors will fit a crown after the root canal treatment as it provides crucial support and protection to the treated tooth. The tooth's structural integrity is changed on the removal of the infected pulp and leads to the hollowing of the canal. Here, the crown acts as a durable cap that restores the strength, structure, and functionality of teeth. As the crown is custom-made for every patient, it restores the tooth's natural appearance and maintains aesthetics, besides promoting oral health. Hence, a crown is essential for the long-term success of a root canal treatment for preserving the treated tooth.

Yes, you can eat after a time gap of 30 to 45 minutes after the root canal procedure to let the filling fully harden. Also, it is advisable to avoid eating until the numbness from the anaesthesia wears off to prevent accidentally biting your cheek, tongue, or lips.

It is essential to be mindful of your food choices after the root canal treatment. As the surrounding area might remain sensitive for a few days, it is recommended to consume soft and non-sticky food items. This may include yogurt, soup, smoothies, mashed potatoes, and so on. Avoid hard and crunchy food initially to avoid excessive pressure on the treated tooth. As a precautionary measure, within a few days, you can switch to a normal diet.

Also known as a cap, the right type of dental crown is important to ensure the long-term success of the treatment. Selection of the best cap depends on various factors, such as the location of the tooth, aesthetic preferences, and so on. Based on the specific needs and preferences, dentists will recommend the most suitable crown material out of porcelain crown, metal crown, ceramic crown, and zirconia crown.

Yes, you can brush after a root canal procedure. In fact, you should follow your regular oral care routine as maintaining proper oral health is crucial for the success of the treatment and overall dental health. After the root canal treatment, the surrounding area might be sensitive, so it is essential that you use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush your teeth gently. Regular brushing removes plaque and reduces the food particles from the treated area, so it is advisable to brush your teeth at least twice a day. This ensure that your mouth stays clean and free from bacteria, and parallelly reduces the risk of infection and accelerates the healing process.

From children to older people, root canal can be performed on individuals of every age group. The need for root canal arises when the dental pulp, that is, the innermost part of the tooth, becomes infected or deep decay is observed. Regardless of the age, the root canal procedure must be performed to stop the infection or the decay from spreading. In children, root canal treatment is required if the tooth is severely decayed. However, for adults and seniors, root canals are common treatments to preserve natural teeth.

Yes, root canal treatments last for a lifetime if they are performed with precision and properly cared for. After the rct specialist has carefully done the root canal treatment, patients must maintain excellent oral hygiene. Besides regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups, avoiding excessive pressure on the treated tooth, which can occur through habits like teeth grinding or biting on hard objects, helps prolong the life of the treated tooth.

Most rootcanal treatments are done in single sitting which take approximately 1 hour.

this treatment is done under local anaesthesia, thus it is a completely painless procedure. However post rootcanal treatment gives mild discomfort or pain might be experienced for few days, which is usually taken care by mild painkillers.

  • Thorough checkup and xrays of the tooth before starting.
  • local anaesthesia is administered to ensure complete numbness of tooth.
  • Complete cavity removal of teeth.
  • Cleaning of nerves and canal of teeth (biomechanical preparation).
  • Filling the nerve canal (obturation).
  • Corebuild up of the teeth.
  • Postoperative antibiotics and painkillers.
  • Adding the crown/cap to the teeth

Rootcanal treatment does not require any postoperative rest or care for recovery. However even a successful rootcanal may give mild pain or discomfort for few days which require mild painkillers. Patient can resume their work almost immediately post treatment